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Speaker Series


Our Speaker series offers information for all aspects of life. Some issues are health and wellness related while others are just for fun.


We are excited to be able to offer this Speaker Series free to everyone in our Community! 


Nov. 2

1pm-Artic Living

Scott Black

215 pm-Ask you local Veterinarian

Jack Chubaty


Nov. 9

1pm-Advanced Care Planning

Corry Schutt

215pm-Estate Planning

Heather Jackson- James Reid Funeral Home


Nov. 16

1pm-Melissa Kastenhofer

Melissa Kastenhofer- Alzheimer’s Society Kingston

215pm-Corry Schutt

Caring for the Caregiver


Nov. 23

1pm-Discussion with Physiotherapist

Latif Khoja from Sydenham

215pm-Discussion with the Pharmacist

Bhavin Patel from Sydenham


Nov. 30

1pm-Flying the Artic

Tom Pearce

215pm-Unknown Tax Credits for the Elderly and Caregivers

Lisa Curran/Tom Pearce- Down to Earth Financial Management


We always welcome suggestions on what topics and guest speakers you would like to hear from, so please let us know. In the past we have had speakers discuss Diabetes, Reiki, Positive Thinking, Elder Abuse, and Estate Planning just to name few.

We look forward to seeing you at our next Speaker Series.



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