Capital Expansion and Fundraising Campaign
We are Growing to Serve You Better

Rendering for Southern Frontenac Community Services After Expansion
Where Are We Now in the Campaign?
Update December 11, 2023: SFCSC has been working hard to raise funds to bring the capital expansion to fruition. Significant progress has been made in the construction project and an opening in the spring of 2024 is hoped for. Fundraising efforts continue as funds are still needed to finish this project. See Article.
Update July 5, 2023: The Foodbank has history in South Frontenac and the needs continue to grow in our community. These needs are one of many reasons SFCSC embarked on a capital expansion project to better serve the residents. SFCSC still needs your help to raise the funds to finish the capital project and provide better facilities for the Foodbank, as well as other services. See Article.
Update June 7, 2023: Annual Golf Tournament a success as golfers enjoy a hot day on the course. The golf tournament is one of the fundraising events for SFCSC. The expansion is needed to keep up to the increasing demands and to provide services for our aging population. See Article.
Update May 30, 2023: The walls are going up and starting to take shape at the Grace Centre.
Update April 17, 2023: It is demolition day! We're making way for the Grace Centre expansion and the portables that were our former Food Bank and staff offices are coming down.
Update April 1, 2023: Fencing goes up! Time to secure the Grace Centre parking and garden areas as it is about to be transformed into a construction site.
Update March 19, 2023: Fundraising efforts continue to help reach the goal for the construction project at the Grace Centre as the community needs for the services provided by SFCSC also continue to grow. See Global News Story.
Update March 2023: Building contract awarded to Emmons and Mitchell. The construction of the expanded facilities is a big step forward in our mission to provide assistance and support to those who need it the most and provide the best opportunity for our older adults to remain in their homes as long as possible. The capital expansion will include an expanded Food Bank and will broaden access to a range of services for seniors, including social and recreational activities, health and wellness programs, and support for independent living. Todd Colbourne of Colbourne & Kembel Architects Inc. has assisted the organization in developing the expansion plan and will continue to manage the project. #BUILDWITHGRACE See Media Release.
Update November 2022: Building our future is underway at SFCSC. A new septic system is being installed by Shea Construction in preparation for our capital expansion project commencing in the spring 2023.​
Update August 2022: The Board of Directors Fundraising Committee is pleased to report that just over 65% of our goal with $1,308,000.00 has been raised to date. Tender documents are expected to be issued later this month.
Update August 3, 2022: Duncan Sinclair shared some thoughts on the services offered by SFCSC. See Article.

Update July 2022: Fundraising efforts are underway for our Community First Capital Campaign. See Media Release.
Update June 29, 2022: The Storrington Lions Club offers support and encourages others to step up to help towards Southern Frontenac Community Services' Capital Campaign. See Media Release.
Thank you for helping us in reaching our goal!